Barb Cranmer, filmmaker – Featured Artist

  “I have been involved in film and video for many years.  The inspiration for my work has come from our people’s rich history and stories that are very important.  They are stories that most often go unheard.  I am the messenger of these stories and our communities have entrusted me with these stories to… Continue reading Barb Cranmer, filmmaker – Featured Artist

Land of Luxury – Salt Spring Island, BC

Today you are getting a sneak peak into my trip to the ever-so-lovely and trendy Salt Spring Island. Originally claimed as Coast Salish territory,  it was a bit odd and unsettling to hear some of the trails we walked on were “owned” by others. Salt Spring Island is now an investment dream town for the… Continue reading Land of Luxury – Salt Spring Island, BC

Where The Rivers Meet – Tulita, NT

Last week I went to visit the Hamlet of Tulita. I was there to do Inuit and Dene games demonstrations at the Chief Albert Wright School. I had traveled to the community once before, by boat up the Mackenzie River from my hometown community of Fort Providence. It was a memorable and adventurist trip with my… Continue reading Where The Rivers Meet – Tulita, NT

snapshots, side by side

I have a four-year-old daughter. She has her grandmother’s pale Metis skin and wavy hair. She has her dad’s ears and my lips. She has her grandmother’s eyes – sometimes incredibly sad, often mischievous, and naturally watchful. She looks like her ancestors, all mixed up in a package of dimples and a strong, powerful voice.… Continue reading snapshots, side by side


As I rummage through old boxes looking for negative and prints, I find myself asking the question: Who am I? How does my identity affect my work? I find piles of forgotten negatives, polaroids, burnt CDs, prints; photos of friends that I haven’t heard from in years mixed up with snapshots of old boyfriends. What am… Continue reading MY FAMILY CONNECTIONS ARE THERE

Darkroom, bright light

Wild Horse, Moberly, BC

I’ve always taken pictures. My earliest memory holding a camera I was five. I remember the feel of the cold chrome and smooth black leather and the hefty weight of it in my hands. It felt like a fragile brick. I remember my eye looking through the view finder and the satisfactory “click” I heard… Continue reading Darkroom, bright light

Art, Photography, & Culture

Art, photography, and culture are three of my greatest passions. Photography being a more recent passion. I’m no means a ‘professional’ or have any formal training in photography, however, as a beginner with a curious heart, I’m drawn and open to learning from everyone and everything that’s available to me. Lately, my greatest inspiration has… Continue reading Art, Photography, & Culture