Sleep, a Baby (Toddler), and Mama Intuition

Motherhood is hard. What makes it even harder is comparison, and all sorts of external influences, on parenting decisions. If you have been around Tea & Bannock long enough, you may remember this post on sleep and a baby from July 2017. I have contemplated going back and deleting it but I feel its more… Continue reading Sleep, a Baby (Toddler), and Mama Intuition

Lakeland’s Strongest – Bringing a new sport to the Bush

A lot of us went in not knowing what we were doing and there was no judgement from the experienced competitors, and coaches. Instead we were given huge amounts of encouragement and tips on what would give us the most success in each event. They are what really made this event such a success.

Traveling + a Baby

I remember the advice "travel before you have a baby." It's like some age-old advice ingrained in our current society, or something like that. So when I became pregnant we discussed vacations and had decided that we'd wait until our baby was a bit older before doing something big and tropical. It seemed the smart,… Continue reading Traveling + a Baby